About Us

Food Intentions

Food Intentions

We came up with ten intentions that shape not only our grocery lists, but also our thinking about food. We hope these intentions inspire conversations around the dinner table.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We AreChelsea Cole, BSc ND Co-Founder & Writer Growing up in Newfoundland meant that Chelsea spent long summer days picking wild blueberries, and enjoyed many loaves of homemade bread fresh from the oven. As she became older, and travelled to new places, she...

Why Fare & Flourish?

Why Fare & Flourish?

Why Fare & FlourishThe idea for Fare & Flourish was sparked by a shared love for food, and fuelled by a passion for sustainability, community, and food as medicine.are & Flourish was first conceptualized a number of years ago over coffee on...

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